KVK Shenzhen Concept Store
  • Details of the work 标题横线
    图片 赤梁设计STUDIO
    参赛作品: KVK深圳概念店
    赤梁以郑州与上海为据点,设计团队曾多年任职於国际知名设计机构,致力為不同行业的前瞻性客户提供符合当代需求的空间解决方案,作品致力於通过建构及空间介质关系/及材质实验性与探索,致⼒于每⼀个有前瞻性 / 突破性 / 专属性空间解决⽅案,塑造东方语境下的当代性与在地性。
    设计说明 | Design Instruction
  • 在宇宙间无永恒的运动,亦无永恒的静止 The universe has no eternal motion and stillness 【缩地成寸循环往复】 lit. shrink the ground into an inch and go round and round (idiom); fig. to repeat the cycle 从一个点到另一个点,穿梭舱突破时间空间界限构建神秘领域承载着跳跃者抵达此处产生链接探索散落星际的宝藏 From one point to another, the shuttle pod breaks through the boundaries of time and space to build a mysterious realm that carries the jumper to the place where a link is created to explore the scattered treasures of the stars. 赤梁REDBEAM联手KVK,以空间跳跃“点”为灵感,建造穿梭舱·形成通往异世界的通道,将零售空间赋予虚实转换·开启时空,随处于星际。 REDBEAM and KVK, inspired by the "point" of space jumping, constructed a shuttle capsule - forming a passageway to other worlds, and giving the retail space a reality transformation - opening up the time and space, and being in the interstellar world. 不断割裂的环形装置贯穿整个空间·成为本项目的核心·其造型自带的包裹性与节奏感,营造互动沉浸式新零售体验 The ever-cutting ring-shaped installation runs through the entire space - becoming the centerpiece of the project - with its wrapping and rhythmic shape, creating an interactive and immersive new retail experience. 虫洞是连接宇宙遥远区域间的空间细管 Wormholes are thin tubes of space connecting distant regions of the universe. 虫洞犹如旋涡·可以让距离较远的局部空间瞬间连接·我们建造了空间的灰道,以旋涡式转化河游动线,似穿梭于宇宙弦之间 Wormholes are like vortexes - they can instantly connect localized spaces at great distances - we build grey channels in space, with vortexes transforming the river swim lines, as if we were traveling between cosmic strings. 顶光洒下与环形隧道相映·给予造型外的膨胀感,环境光的丰富为来者进入·聚焦空间却迷离虚幻之感,在已知于未知之间不定摇摆 The top light pours down and mirrors the circular tunnel - giving a sense of expansion outside the shape, and the richness of the ambient light provides the visitor with a sense of entry - focusing on the space, but with a sense of disorientation and illusion, oscillating uncertainly between the known and the unknown. 延续KVK Go on KVK 穿透性序言 Penetrating Preamble 自然秩序感 natural order 【探寻轨迹游猎杀戮】 Explore the track safari kills 未踏入空间时,蛇体装置以侵略的姿态带来危险所具有致命吸引力,冲散了内部的神秘感危险与美共生,带领观察者踏入未来与过去 Before stepping into the
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    《金腾奖优秀作品年鉴》 私宅丨地产丨餐饮丨酒店丨办公丨商业丨公共丨产品丨公益丨人气 jintengAWARD(小金_金腾奖组委会) 广州市海珠区琶洲大道68号华新中心21楼
    金腾奖视频号 金腾奖小红书号 监制:闫虹
    运营:朱倩仪 王赫萱 张芷莹 胡岚恩 小金
    新媒体:王贝贝 严洁 侯乐 鹅姐
    经纪:刘译遥 石征 曹凯月
    技术:张桐 黄天佑