赤梁营造| “混沌之序”| KVK
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    公司: 赤梁设计Studio
    参赛作品: 赤梁营造| “混沌之序”| KVK
    2021法国双面神 GPDP AWARD TOP100 | 国际影响力创新设计师 Economy Class BBQ CLUB 项目荣获2021法国GPDP AWARD | 国际创新奖 2021亚太设计Asia-Pacific Union of Space| 新锐设计师 2022年日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋设计大奖 金奖 2022 KAPOKDESIGN AWARDS | 中国红棉设计奖 2023 中国设计星全国12强 2022年IHDA人居设计奖 中部十大新锐设计师
    设计说明 | Design Instruction
  • 秩序矩阵       未来感的艺术哲学重构 Reconstruction of futuristic art philosophy 《Interstellar》第五维度。在属于四维空间的世界,通过无数时间轴线,时间平面,建立起一个五维空间。 蓝道尔将“这个我们看不到的空间”称为“第五维空间”。 The fifth dimension proposed in Star Trek. Our world belongs to four-dimensional space, and a five-dimensional space is established through countless time axes and a time plane. Randall called "this invisible space" the "fifth dimension space". 生活在无限大的五维空间中的人类,我们只能感知到其中的四维———空间和时间。五维空间观是对称空间观的展开,对称空间观是五维空间观的本质。在探索未知的驱使下,为线下展览注入了特别的灵感与启发。 Human beings live in an infinite five-dimensional space, but we can only perceive four dimensions -- space and time. The five-dimensional space view is the expansion of the symmetrical space view, which is the essence of the five-dimensional space view. Driven by exploring the unknown, it has injected special inspiration and inspiration into offline exhibitions. Act One | 新序章的“开端” The "beginning" of the new preface 追溯灵魂的庇护所  穿梭于过去未来 ​形似动物的尖牙破土而出,来自原始野性与未知能量的碰撞。颠覆传统认知,以未来回溯性眼光审视当下文明。KVK也希望通过可拆卸重组的配饰生命循环态,为像他们这样不断迁徙的城市自由人,完成对自己多重身份的转化与表达。 Fangs shaped like animals broke through the earth, which came from the collision between primitive wildness and unknown energy. Subvert the traditional cognition and examine the current civilization with a retrospective perspective of the future. KVK also hopes to complete the transformation and expression of their multiple identities for urban free people who are constantly migrating like them through the life cycle of detachable and reconstituted accessories. Act Two | 空间的“视觉语言” "Visual Language" of Space    赋予进入者沉浸的氛围 成为灵感诞生的载体 KVK品牌籍由未来感的艺术哲学重构为视觉语言,并通过自由的佩戴方式重组,致力于探索物质之外的更多可能性。KVK hopes to reconstruct its futuristic art philosophy into a visual language, and to explore more possibilities beyond material objects through the reorganization of free wearing.自我认知是流动的,会根据每个人所处的场景而变化。希望这种自我认知能够在一定程度上得到自由的转换。Self-perception is fluid and changes according to each person's situation. I hope this self-cognition can be transformed freely to some extent. 虚似自由,实则有序,体块组织动
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    《金腾奖优秀作品年鉴》 私宅丨地产丨餐饮丨酒店丨办公丨商业丨公共丨产品丨公益丨人气 jintengAWARD(小金_金腾奖组委会) 广州市海珠区琶洲大道68号华新中心21楼
    金腾奖视频号 金腾奖小红书号 监制:闫虹
    运营:朱倩仪 王赫萱 张芷莹 胡岚恩 小金
    新媒体:王贝贝 严洁 侯乐 鹅姐
    经纪:刘译遥 石征 曹凯月
    技术:张桐 黄天佑