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    公司: 赤梁设计Studio
    参赛作品: 赤梁.营造|层叠相生s.white住宅
    2021法国双面神 GPDP AWARD TOP100 | 国际影响力创新设计师 Economy Class BBQ CLUB 项目荣获2021法国GPDP AWARD | 国际创新奖 2021亚太设计Asia-Pacific Union of Space| 新锐设计师 2022年日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋设计大奖 金奖 2022 KAPOKDESIGN AWARDS | 中国红棉设计奖 2023 中国设计星全国12强 2022年IHDA人居设计奖 中部十大新锐设计师
    设计说明 | Design Instruction
  • 时间的痕迹-层叠相生的岩片类似生活的本质他或许会带有遗憾与非完美。弯曲层叠的纹路自成体系散发着岁月沉淀留下的从容与厚度。这些或斑斓或瑕疵的图形与沉淀也恰如生活绚烂与平淡共生。 材质的运用以及空间分割给予了我们新的思考,我们尝试不同的材质去打破界限重新分割组合,将空间立面进行分解重组材质碰撞。以各物体关系为基底让我们的在空间达到一处平衡、统一两者融合从而传递清晰的体块关系表达空间的流动性包容性,所有材质的表达,体块的运用最终回归于空间情感的传递。 The use of materials and space division give us new thinking. We try different materials to break the boundaries and re divide and combine, and decompose and reorganize the space facade and material collision. Based on the relationship between objects, we can achieve a balance and unity in space, so as to transfer a clear block relationship to express the fluidity and inclusiveness of space. The expression of all materials and the use of blocks ultimately return to the transmission of space emotion. 无界的延续 -重塑功能空间边界,去延续,将原阳台区域与客厅区域关系连接,弱化立面的分割,让空间得到无界限的延续以此明确空间最初的意义,让空间融合,实现空间交互。自由主体不为区域观念过度牺牲,塑造纯粹的空间关系。 Remodeling the space boundary, to continue, the original balcony area and the living room area relationship connection, weakening the division of the facade, so that the space to get unlimited continuation of the space to clarify the original meaning of the space, so that the space fusion, to achieve spatial interaction. The free subject does not sacrifice too much for the regional concept and shapes the pure spatial relationship. “开放”的餐厅空间通过吧台来串联客餐厅,行程不同方位的视觉端点.使用自然肌理感的赤色石材,色彩为空间的硬朗中带一丝柔情,与客厅相互关联丝丝相应。包括中枢的起伏变化很好地缓冲了器物与人之间的节奏、情绪。质感家具与红色形成碰撞,将大面积黑白的空间从沉寂中跳脱出来形成一个多元化的艺术结构。 The "open" dining room space connects the guest dining room through the bar, which is the visual end of the journey in different directions The red stone with natural texture is used. The color is the space's hardness with a touch of tenderness, which is closely related to the living room. Including the ups and downs of the central part, which can well buffer the rhythm and emotion between objects and people. The texture furniture collides with red, and the large area of black and white space jumps out from the silence to form a diversified art structure. 拥有“主体用意”观察空间优势产生富有灵动的生命力,从而营造让居住者与空间之间能够消
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    《金腾奖优秀作品年鉴》 私宅丨地产丨餐饮丨酒店丨办公丨商业丨公共丨产品丨公益丨人气 jintengAWARD(小金_金腾奖组委会) 广州市海珠区琶洲大道68号华新中心21楼
    金腾奖视频号 金腾奖小红书号 监制:闫虹
    运营:朱倩仪 王赫萱 张芷莹 胡岚恩 小金
    新媒体:王贝贝 严洁 侯乐 鹅姐
    经纪:刘译遥 石征 曹凯月
    技术:张桐 黄天佑