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    图片 承恩设计 青云设特约推荐
    参赛作品: 新疆秦基高铁壹号院
    关于承恩设计 承恩是一家专注为房地产开发商、商业投资商、酒店、会所、别墅豪宅、商业空间、公共空间等提供硬软装设计、软装设计与实现、全球家居采购以及整体多元化设计解决平台的设计服务公司。   主要成员是由几个有梦想的年轻设计师发展成为一家国际设计创新公司,熟悉国内外各类商业、酒店品牌标准,同时具有对国际市场的敏锐洞察力,和多元化的设计能力。总部位于设计之都深圳,2017年布局东南亚市场,在国内及东南亚当地酒店设计行业取得优异的成绩,多个项目荣获设计大奖。   承恩以拥抱世界多元化,通过<设计创新>和<研发供应链>双擎驱动,从硬装设计、软装设计、产品设计、原创艺术品采购渠道、进口家具采购渠道、国内高端家具品牌渠道、到产品订制提供全方位系统化的服务闭环,为合作伙伴创造成本控制、效率设计、实现项目快速落地的一站式全流程系统化服务。致力于成为全球化的设计机构,做价值的创造者,让空间为品牌代言。 About CHENGEN Design CHENGEN Design is a design service company that specializes in providing hard and soft decoration design, soft decoration design and implementation, global home procurement, and overall diversified design solution platforms for real estate developers, commercial investors, hotels, clubs, villas, luxury residences, commercial spaces, public spaces, etc. The main members have developed from several young designers with dreams into an international design innovation company, familiar with various commercial and hotel brand standards both domestically and internationally, and possessing keen insight into the international market and diverse design capabilities. Headquartered in the design capital of Shenzhen, we have been expanding our presence in the Southeast Asian market since 2017. We have achieved outstanding results in the domestic and local hotel design industry in Southeast Asia, and have won design awards for multiple projects. CHENGEN Design aims to embrace global diversity and provide a comprehensive and systematic service loop through dual engines of design innovation and R&D supply chain, from hard decoration design, soft decoration design, product design, original art procurement channels, imported furniture procurement channels, domestic high-end furniture brand channels, to product customization, creating a one-stop and full process systematic service for partners to control costs, design efficiency, and achieve rapid project implementation. Committed to becoming a global design agency, creating value, and making space a brand endorsement.
    设计说明 | Design Instruction
  • 项目概述/Project Description / 300 words 秦基高铁壹号院,位于乌鲁木齐的城市核心-高铁站附近,一座被沙漠环绕的城市。作为一个城市展厅,项目以“城市绿洲”为主题,将建筑与自然元素有机融合,让抽象精神回归真实的生活场景。有别于常规设计,弧形、曲线设计被大量运用,既丰富了空间层次,也激发了人们的想象与探索精神。圆弧形的中央水吧台,将空间自然过渡为一个整体。 在场所中置入多个天然绿植“花园”,整体空间以“绿”为主色调,融合意式的现代简约、城市森林的生机盎然和中国文化的深沉温厚,打造别具一格的当代风格。定制的艺术装置、优雅的家具配饰、恰到好处的绿植点缀,通过情景式的视觉营造,叙述空间的丰盈状态。 在这场空间之旅中,设计师尝试通过人、空间、自然的关系构建,描摹了一个未来理想生活方式的蓝图故事。 The One Park is located near the Urumqi high-speed railway station-urban core area , a city surrounded by a desert. As a property sales center,the project takes "urban oasis" as the theme, organically integrating architecture and natural elements, allowing abstract spirit to return to real life scenes. Unlike conventional design, curved and curved designs are widely used, enriching the spatial hierarchy and stimulating people's imagination and exploration spirit. The central water bar with a circular arc shape transitions the space naturally into a whole. Multiple natural green plants "gardens" are placed in the venue, with the overall space mainly colored with "green", integrating the modern simplicity of Italian style, the vitality of urban forests, and the profound warmth of Chinese culture, creating a unique contemporary style. Customized artistic installations, elegant furniture accessories, and appropriate green plant embellishments, narrate the richness of this space through situational visual creation. In this spatial journey, the designer attempted to construct a blueprint story for a future ideal lifestyle through the relationship between humans, space, and nature.
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    《金腾奖优秀作品年鉴》 私宅丨地产丨餐饮丨酒店丨办公丨商业丨公共丨产品丨公益丨人气 jintengAWARD(小金_金腾奖组委会) 广州市海珠区琶洲大道68号华新中心21楼
    金腾奖视频号 金腾奖小红书号 监制:闫虹
    运营:朱倩仪 王赫萱 张芷莹 胡岚恩 小金
    新媒体:王贝贝 严洁 侯乐 鹅姐
    经纪:刘译遥 石征 曹凯月
    技术:张桐 黄天佑