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    图片 陈晓晖 青云设特约推荐
    公司: 磐石·空间艺术
    参赛作品: 宜兴久里拾光
    《成都 RED CLUB》/ 入选亚太室内设计双年大奖赛亚太设计新奖 中国娱乐空间设计/ 作品邀请赛金奖 中国室内空间环境艺术大赛/ 住宅空间组优秀奖 第二届国际环艺创新/ 设计大赛 住宅类 二等奖 “筑巢奖”别墅类优秀奖/ Michael 无锡轻工大学毕业 Bachelor学士学位 意大利米兰理工大学 Master硕士学位 磐石·空间艺术 创始人/数字艺术家
    设计说明 | Design Instruction
  • 宜兴九里拾光是现代简约风格。以简约和整体幕墙大面积落地玻璃而成,“云朵”造型的外立面 标新立异。 Yixing Jiuli Pick-up Light is a modern minimalist style. Made of simple and large-scale floor-to-ceiling glass on the overall curtain wall, the "cloud" shaped façade is unconventional. 现代简约风格强调就是让所有的细节看上去都是非常简洁的,装修中极简便是让空间看上去非常简洁,大气。 Modern minimalist style emphasizes that all details look very simple, and the simplicity in decoration is to make the space look very simple and atmospheric. 该风格尽可能不用装饰和取消多余的东西,认为任何复杂的设计,没有实用价值的特殊部件及任何装饰都会增加建筑造价,强调形式应更多地服务于功能。 The style does not decorate and eliminate superfluous things as much as possible, believing that any complex design, special components without practical value and any decoration will increase the cost of the building, emphasizing that the form should serve more function. 整体上,现代简约风格体现了简洁和统一性的设计哲学。 Overall, the modern minimalist style embodies the design philosophy of simplicity and unity. 现代简约风格注重中性色调,如白色、灰色和黑色,作为基础色调来打造干净利落的外观。这些颜色可以用于墙面、地板和家具,营造简约、现代的氛围。此外,鲜明的色彩如红色、黄色和蓝色可以作为点缀,为空间增添活力和焦点。 Modern minimalist style focuses on neutral tones such as white, gray and black as the base color to create a clean look. These colors can be used on walls, floors and furniture to create a simple, modern atmosphere. In addition, vibrant colors such as red, yellow, and blue can serve as embellishments to add vibrancy and focus to the space. 现代简约风格的家具应具备简约而富有现代感的外观。选择直线条和简洁造型的家具,并注重实用性和功能性。避免过多的装饰,保持整体的简约性。布置家具时要注意空间的流通和布局的合理性,确保室内的舒适度和实用性。 Modern minimalist style furniture should have a simple and modern appearance. Choose straight lines and clean shaped furniture, with a focus on practicality and functionality. Avoid excessive decoration and keep the overall simplicity. When arranging furniture, pay attention to the circulation of space and the rationality of layout to ensure indoor comfort and practicality. 细节是现代简约风格中体现个性和品质的关键。
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    金腾奖视频号 金腾奖小红书号 监制:闫虹
    运营:朱倩仪 王赫萱 张芷莹 胡岚恩 小金
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    经纪:刘译遥 石征 曹凯月
    技术:张桐 黄天佑