  • Details of the work 标题横线
    图片 孙世杰 云上设计师俱乐部特约推荐
    公司: 南京杰构空间建筑设计有限公司
    参赛作品: 半夏
    孙世杰 南京杰构空间建筑设计有限公司 创始人 设计总监 个人荣誉: CIFF中国行·设计千人计划候选人 2020中国样板间设计大赛·居住在中国 双案TOP100 40UNDER40中国设计杰出青年 2022亚太空间设计年度评选 十大杰出青年设计师 2023亚太空间设计年度评选 十大杰出青年设计师 2024年Villeroy & Boch设计大赛设计之星 设计理念:杰构设计团队是一家以设计驱动、落地导向的公司。在室内空间的探索与实践中以全案的思维去考虑空间的关系,注重功能的设计与视觉艺术的双重表达。
    设计说明 | Design Instruction
  • 本案是位于南京市鼓楼区的一处旧房改造,业主为一名年轻的星巴克咖啡师,本案离他单位比较近,便翻新改造便于日常 The case is the renovation of an old house located in Gulou District, Nanjing City. The owner is a young Starbucks barista. The case is relatively close to his unit, so the renovation is convenient for daily life 生活。 Life. 日常基本都是一人或两人生活的状态,面对年轻的生活方式,将原有格局做了一个大调整,打破单个空间的封闭,重新组 Daily life is basically a state of one or two people. Facing the young lifestyle, the original pattern has been greatly adjusted, breaking the 织空间,扩充功能区域,以套间的形式去呈现。 closure of a single space, reorganizing the space, expanding the functional area, and presenting it in the form of a suite. 原建筑的格局偏于旧式,有两间卧室,无餐厅空间。 The layout of the original building is more old-fashioned, with two bedrooms and no dining room. In the design phase, we put the 设计阶段我们将客厅及餐厅的功能置入其中。 functions of the living room and dining room into it. 以中轴划分好左右两部分的空间,考虑到空间本身的局限,化零为整,让左侧的开放的餐厨空间,与过道互通,更有效的利用了空间。 The left and right parts of the space are divided by the central axis, taking into account the limitations of the space itself, so that the open kitchen space on the left side can communicate with the corridor and make more effective use of the space. 将南边空间模糊边界融入阳台,将客厅布置的更符合当下的生活方式。 The blurred boundary of the south space is integrated into the balcony, and the living room is arranged more in line with the current lifestyle. 用具有代表性的线条和极简门板做高对比,让空间复古的气质上更显干净。 With representative lines and minimalist door panels to do high contrast, so that the retro temperament of the space more clean. 木色饰面的元素中用两处相同墨绿色的不同材质去点缀空间,温度的空间中可以赋予更多的平和、愉悦等情感。 Wood decorative elements with two different materials of the same dark green to decorate the space, the temperature of the space can give more peace, pleasure and other emotions. 在生活动线上做了细处的考量,过道和厨卫地面采用的地砖,客厅和卧室采用实木地板,连接处直拼对撞材质。 Careful consideration has been made in the living activity line, the floor tile used in the hallway and kitchen and bathroom floor, the living room and bedroom use solid wood flooring, and the joint is directly matched with the material. 家重来都是不被
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    2024第八届金腾奖 私宅丨地产丨餐饮丨酒店丨办公丨商业与休闲娱乐丨公共丨产品丨公益丨人气丨NEW100 jintengAWARD(小金_金腾奖组委会) 广州市海珠区琶洲大道68号华新中心21楼
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