  • Details of the work 标题横线
    图片 LISO空间设计事务所
    参赛作品: ECHO
    设计说明 | Design Instruction
  • 线与面的纯粹 引入Intro [PIC] 本案面积约为80平,从构思到落地总耗时两周,在短时间的限制下,我们延续秉承着做好每一个细节的目标,场地为L型空间,规划空间动线与传达品牌整体感受是项目重点,根据构想的环绕式动线,我们布置了多个节点,展示区,停驻点和试衣间,以便顾客完整探索品牌故事。 The area of this project is approximately 80m^2. It only took the team a fortnight to complete from scratch. Despite the time limitations, we aim to sharpen every detail. The site forms a “L” shape. Creating proper circulation and the wholesome delivery of the brand are our goal. We identified a few thresholds according to the twisted circulation: The display area, the hanging table, the resting spot and the fitting room, for customers to gain the wholesome experience of the brand. 展示区Display Area [PIC] 配合品牌定义和风格,我们选择了干净、现代、平整大块的舒适化设计,功能部分(包括衣架、吊挂、灯光)选取了线条化的体现方式,作为大空间中的点缀。 In line with the brand definition and style. We chose to use clean modern surfaces and a comfortable expression. The functional part (including hanging rail, hangers and lighting). 简洁却不简单的线与面映射了裁缝手里的棉线与布块,丰富竖向空间元素的同时,加强了品牌特质。 The simple design of linear embodiment speaks more to its audience. The lines and surfaces mimic cotton threads and patches. Enriching the vertical space elements while strengthening the brand characteristics. [PIC] 进入空间,观者的目光首先聚焦在这张金属展桌上,看似 “悬浮”的重工金属桌由八个细索吊挂固定。展桌供经营者更换陈列,随着季节和节日活动更新搭配。 A metal hanging table is at the centre of the space. To the left and the back areas of the Floating Table are used as displays. 悬浮桌Floating Table [PIC] 这张“飘浮”的和纹金属摆台,实际重达五百斤的桌面轻盈的悬挂在入口处,由八条纤细的吊索支撑作为整个空间的聚焦点, The “Floating” metal table has a wabi-sabi finish. It weighs around 500 pounds. The tabletop hanging lightly at the entrance was supported by eight slender slings. Forming the focal point of the space. 视觉上给予观者“反重力”、“飘浮”的感受。 Visually delivering the viewer a feeling of “anti-gravity” and “floating”. [PIC] 为增加台面的稳定性,给使用者带来更好的体验,我们让钢索贯穿台面,连接地面,从而稳定在半空中。 To increase the stability of the tabletop and bringing a better experience to the users, we let the steel slings run though the table and connect to the ground, thus stabilizing it in the air. [PIC] 展桌供经营者更换陈
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    2024第八届金腾奖 私宅丨地产丨餐饮丨酒店丨办公丨商业与休闲娱乐丨公共丨产品丨公益丨人气丨NEW100 jintengAWARD(小金_金腾奖组委会) 广州市海珠区琶洲大道68号华新中心21楼
    金腾奖视频号 金腾奖小红书号 理事:闫虹
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    新媒体:王贝贝 严洁 张文一
    技术:张桐 黄天佑