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    图片 偶都度建筑设计(北京)有限公司
    参赛作品: 事KOTO
    随着媒体技术发展的日新月异,我们的生活有了巨大的变化。我们可以随时随地与世界上任何角落的人沟通。跨空间交流的实现,使我们了解到不同社会的不同文化。而在现实世界中,我们也能在同一个城市中感受到不同的文化。单一文化已不合时,对不同文化的相互理解,这才是在现今社会最重要的能力。 我们坚信设计要反映出现代人的生活状况与生存环境,所以我们所设计的作品都以尊重他人的文化为宗旨。然而在现在这个多元文化交汇的社会,将古典文化直接反映在设计作品上已远远不够。无论是城市规划,建筑设计还是室内设计,我们都将追求以最新最现代的技术手法,阐释不同文化的独特特征。 odd设计事务所2015/2017/2019年荣获了安邸AD100奖“100位在中国最具影响力的国际建筑,设计精英”,2020年入围了英国restaurant&bar设计奖,入选TOP DESIGN 100 中国设计头条年签榜残影娱乐休闲设计奖。许多项目发表在著名的室内杂志《室内设计Interior Design》、《安邸AD》、《家居廊ElleDecoration》和《美好家园》,在设计网站“设计邦Designboom”、“印际”“Cool Hunting”和“谷德gooood”。 The development of media technology largely influences in changing our human activities. We can communicate with others on the other side of the globe in an instant. It realizes global communication or virtual traveling on the internet, enabling us to understand different culture and their society from any places in the world. As well, in the real world, we can easily experience different culture in the metropolitan cities. The persistence of the single culture is not accepted on this situation.Mutual understanding is one of most important abilities these days. We believe that design should be reflected from present human activities and their environment. We appreciate their original culture on the process of design. However, in such a multi-cultural society, the design reflected directly from classic culture is not appropriate. We would like to pursue the contemporary interpretation of their culture by challenging to apply new technology and method through the urban, architectural and interior design project. odd  received AD 100 award "100 top architecture and design talents in China" in 2015, 2017 and 2019,in 2020 ,odd shortlisted restaurant&bar design awards,recived CHINA INTERIOR DESIGN ANNUAL TOP 100.  Many projects were published in well-known interior magazines 'Interior Design", "AD" ,"ElleDecoration" and " Better Homes and Gardens", and on design website "Designboom" ,:yinji” "Cool Hunting" and "gooood" .
    设计说明 | Design Instruction
  • 位于澳大利亚首都堪培拉,旧国会议堂和现国会议堂所在地的The National Triangle区里有一座由日本建筑师设计的大厅,这次设计项目是将这座拥有近半个世纪历史的大厅改造为日本料理餐厅。该建筑物曾作为澳大利亚政治家、记者们的交流场所,见证了各种各样的历史事件和丑闻/新闻热点的诞生,由此可见此建筑的重要性。 为了让它再次成为充满活力的社交场所,我们将此日料餐厅命为——“事”(KOTO)。 This is a project of renovation of The Lobby building, built in fifty years ago by Japanese architect in The National Triangle, Canberra in Australia, to fine dining Japanese restaurant. This building was used as a place for the gathering between Australian politicians and journalists, where sometimes their scandals happened. As a one of projects to revitalize such an energetic place, we designed Japanese Restaurant KOTO. 原建筑呈正方形,入口位于中轴线上,是非常具有象征性的建筑,这些特征多见于对称式寺庙神殿中。为了使得这座风格鲜明的建筑达成内外部的统一,我们计划将寿司吧台置于中央,周围放置多样类型的椅子,如沙发、圆桌方桌。从而入口、前台 ,桌上小景和寿司吧台位于同一中轴线上,当客人穿过庭院,推开大门,映入眼帘是工艺精湛的自然小景、寿司吧台、障子分割的纵深空间,给顾客营造了一种宾至如归的仪式感,可欣赏园景的沿窗就餐区被接待台的弯曲格栅划分,半遮半掩式的构造既保护了顾客的隐私又确保了空间的开放感。此外,弧形格栅和寿司吧台缓解了奢华餐厅自带的紧张感,并且给予空间了节奏韵律和鲜活生气。 The original design of the building is symmetry and very symbolic such as which footprint is square and the main entrance is on the axis of the center, seen in temples and shrines architecture. To obtain the consistency of the powerful architectural interior and exterior, we planned a sushi counter in the center, which is surrounded by various types of seats such as sofa, round tables and square tables, and the entrance, reception, small landscape and sushi counter on the axis of the center. Due to the planning, the way of welcoming guests makes a sense of ritual. Garden-view dining areas along the windows are divided by curved louvers from reception, which realize certain openness but private space at the same time. In addition, that curved louvers and sushi counter helps to relieve the tension made by luxury restaurant and gives rhythm and liveness in the space. 我们保留了建筑内既存的木制天井,在其表面和周围应用了丰富的黑色素材,形成和谐统一的装饰元素。如粗磨花岗岩、天然黑花岗岩、黑木百叶板、烧杉木板、黑色皮革、黑色瓷砖等各式各样的同色系素材组合来彰显天井,蕴含着我们对古老建筑的敬意。当灯光照射在相异的黑色材料上,光影和材质营造的肌理为整个空间附加了丰富的斑斓质感。 We kept the existing wooden panel ceiling as it is and applied consistently black-color materials
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    2024第八届金腾奖 私宅丨地产丨餐饮丨酒店丨办公丨商业与休闲娱乐丨公共丨产品丨公益丨人气丨NEW100 jintengAWARD(小金_金腾奖组委会) 广州市海珠区琶洲大道68号华新中心21楼
    金腾奖视频号 金腾奖小红书号 理事:闫虹
    运营:赖钰炼 曹凯月 石征 刘芳棋 小金
    新媒体:王贝贝 严洁 张文一
    技术:张桐 黄天佑